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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip

By Chef Katie Mae

Makes 3 cups | Ready in 10 minutes | Stores 1 week in fridge



  • 2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
  • ½ cup of hot water
  • 1½ cups Medjool dates, pitted
  • 2 tablespoons ground cashews
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, alcohol-free
  • 1½ cups cooked chickpeas (15-oz can, rinsed and drained)
  • ¾ cup chocolate chips*



  1. Add all of the ingredients, except for the chocolate chips, to a food processor. Blend for several minutes until the dough is smooth and creamy.
  2. Transfer the dough to a bowl and stir in the chocolate chips.



For a thinner consistency, add more water as needed.

If you don’t want to use chocolate chips, substitute cacao nibs, chopped nuts, or dried fruit.


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