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Chili-Garlic Mexican Pasta for a Spicy Twist!

Chili-Garlic Mexican Pasta

By Chef Katie Mae
Makes 5 cups | Ready in 25 minutes


  • 1–4 Arbol chili peppers, deseeded unless you want extreme heat
  • ½ cup low-sodium vegetable broth
  • ½ yellow onion, diced
  • 4–8 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cup purslane, chopped
  • ¾ cup corn
  • 8 oz gluten-free spaghetti (preferably quinoa)
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • ½ cup fresh cilantro, diced



  1. Place a large pot with water over medium heat. Cover and bring to a boil.
  2. While waiting for the water to boil, add the deseeded chile peppers and 1⁄2 cup of the vegetable broth to a small bowl. Let the chili soak for a few minutes. Then remove the chiles from the broth and dice them. Save the broth to use in the sauteĢ pan.
  3. Add the onion and garlic to a sauteĢ pan over medium heat. Cover with a lid to keep the moisture in the pan, stirring occasionally. After a couple of minutes, add the diced chiles, purslane, and corn. Toast them for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Add the vegetable broth used for soaking. Leave the lid of the pan to reduce the liquid and concentrate the flavors. When the liquid is gone, turn off the heat.
  5. Add the spaghetti to the pot of boiling water and cook according to package instructions. The water should be at a steady boil. Stir frequently with a fork to keep the noodles from sticking, especially in the first five minutes of cooking.
  6. Once the spaghetti is al dente, drain the water and combine the pasta with the veggies. Add the lime juice and cilantro, and toss well.



Without oil in the pasta, it is very difficult to maintain moisture. Thus, it’s important to serve this shortly after cooking otherwise it will taste too dry.


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